Kem is a Warsaw-based queer feminist collective focused on choreography, performance and sound at the interface with social practice. Through experimental formats and community building, Kem engages in critical intimacy and queer pleasure.

Our projects are characterised by hybridity and fluidity, blurring the boundaries between art, curating, education, activism, clubbing and community-making practices. It is a community created in the process of collaboration and engagement with the politics of embodiment, feeling and subjectivity in relation to collectivity. Kem experiments with formats and strengthens queer, feminist and anti-racist artistic practices and discourses.


The Team


Kem School:

Alex Baczyński-Jenkins
Ola Knychalska 
Michał Grzegorzek
Stefa Gosiewsk
Julia Celejewska
Kasia Właszczyk

School Co-ordinator:

Julia Celejewska

Sound & Production:

Zoi Michailova
Joanna Manecka

Social Media and Translation:

Tosia Leniarska
Stefa Gosiewsk 

Graphic designer:

Alex Goluk